Frequently Asked Questions

How long does shipping take?

We understand that waiting for your new clothes can be frustrating, so we strive to process all orders as quickly as possible. Typically, orders are processed and shipped out within 1-3 days from the date of purchase

I placed an order but haven't receive an email confirmation

If you haven't received an email confirmation after your purchase, please check your spam folder or search for 'Found My Hoodie' in your email search bar. If you're still having trouble, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to assist you

How is the quality of the hoodies?

You won't find a better quality hoodie or shirt than ours! We use only the finest fleece-lined fabrics that stay soft and cozy wash after wash. Our manufacturer is the same one used by Essentials, a popular brand that charges over $100 for their hoodies

Can I cancel or change my order?

Need to cancel or make changes to your order? No problem! We offer a 24-hour cancellation window for all orders. Simply send an email to, and we'll take care of the rest

How much does shipping cost?

At Found my Hoodie, we believe that shipping should never be an added expense. That's why we offer free shipping on every order

How can I track my order?

No need to worry about where your order is - we'll send you a tracking number via email as soon as your package ships. Just keep an eye on your inbox and follow your package every step of the way!

Do you work with influencers?

Influencers or small creators, let's work together! We're always on the lookout for new collaborations and exciting partnerships. If you're interested in working with us, don't hesitate to drop us a DM or an email. We can't wait to hear from you!

I need help with finding my size

Need help finding the right size? Check out our sizing charts located on each product page for accurate measurements to assure the perfect fit

What is your refund/exchange policy?

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied, we offer hassle-free returns and exchanges within 14 days of delivery, and we will cover the cost of shipping. Please contact our customer support team at with any questions or concerns, and we will assist you promptly.